Extra resources to learn Spanish

Our Spanish school in Barcelona offers complementary resources to all its students so that they can do an extra job from home.
All resources are free and are designed to work autonomously aspects of grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension and reading comprehension.
Spanish courses are enriched with the use of these materials.

The free services for practicing Spanish are:

  • Loan of films in Spanish with subtitles in several languages.
  • Lending of readings adapted to all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Some readings contain text audio or a supplementary DVD.
  • Free daily national press for our students.
  • Possibility of linguistic exchange with Spanish students of the school who learn English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Catalan.
  • User and personal password to access the VIRTUAL CAMPUS of the school where you will find:
  1. Self-correcting grammar exercises.
  2. Complementary activities to each lesson of the class book.
  3. Direct access to the links of interest of Spanish media and language learning pages.

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Ask about our courses and any other questions you may have.
In many cases, it is possible to join throughout the course.

Frequently asked questions